Dave Dyment
Addendum to the Tommy Westphall Universe
Gallery Two
Exhibition Info
Dave Dyment’s subject matter is culture, particularly film and television. Using media as an archival resource material, he remixes images and information culled from the internet and other sources as the content for his critically incisive work. Addendum to the Tommy Westphall Universe takes its cue from the last episode of the television series St. Elsewhere (1982–1988), which ended on the suggestion that the entire run of the series existed in the imagination of an autistic boy. Since several characters from the show had made crossover appearances in other television programs, the premise developed into an internet meme. Combining a large-format wall drawing with supporting props and photographs, Dyment pushes the concept by referencing further crossovers between live action and cartoon television programs to map out a broad fictional multiverse.
Photography: Scott Lee

Artist Biography
Dave Dyment’s work pulls at the seams of the fabric of a fictional universe in search of shared associations and alternate meanings. It is an investigation into the language and grammar of music, cinema, television and literature, in order to arrive at a kind a folk taxonomy of a collective popular vocabulary. Dave Dyment is represented by MKG127, Toronto.